2010 – The Producers

9th March 2010 – 13th March 2010

Kings Theatre, Glasgow

A first for PMOS, “The Producers” saw our cast thrust into the mad cap world of 1950’s Broadway, with dancing crazed Nazi’s, nymphomaniac little old ladies and the campest production team you’ve ever seen! Comedy from start to finish, this show was a joy to rehearse and perform.

Bravo for the amateur cast at the King’s – Having attended the stunning Braodway production of Mel Brooks’s The Producers in New York, I ventured with some trepidation last week to see what Paisley Musical and Operatic Society could possibly make of such a demanding show… But my fears were soon replaced by astonishment.I can honestly say I have never seen an amateur company perform to such professional standards.  Several of that cast could have walked on to that Broadway stage and you wouldn’t have known the difference…It is a long time since I have experienced such a theatrical buzz in Glasgow” Jack Webster, featured in The Herald 17 March 2011

“On Saturday afternoon I had the pleasure of attending the matinee performance of The Producers in the Kings Theatre, Glasgow and I would like to express my appreciation to the cast and all involved in the production by PMOS.This was my first solo theatre visit since my husband died six months ago – we used to attend matinees regularly – and I have to say I have not laughed so much for months. It was wonderful and I enjoyed every second of it, so thanks again.”    Anon. Paisley Daily Express

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